May 26th, 2011
s p o n s o r s
c o m m u n i t y

Built on the idea that sharing value with your friends should be easy, Revjam will revolutionize how you find, interact, and benefit from all of your favorite brands.
Join the
New York PHP user group as we celebrate the launch of startup Revjam, a new social commerce platform. We congratulate long time NYPHP members John Coggeshall and Nate Abele with their launch!
The NY tech community will gather Thursday, May 26th, for a fun night in Flatiron as Revjam and New York PHP team up to celebrate the launch.
From techs to suits, all are invited to come and learn more about the vision and the technical details of this cutting-edge internet application - all while enjoying
free drinks, great food and good jams with one of NYC's hottest DJs at
Attendance is free and the event will fill quickly so RSVP today - space is limited and you will not be admitted if you're not listed.
New York PHP is pleased to co-organize this launch with Revjam by bringing together the entrepreneur development community for this great spring event.
Have your own launch coming up?
Contact us and we'll help.