Fwd: Berkeley DB XML: An Embedded XML Database

Chalu Kim chalu at
Sat May 10 13:26:14 EDT 2003

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Subject: Berkeley DB XML: An Embedded XML Database
Date: Fri, 9 May 2003 16:47:15 -0700
From: Update <elists-admin at>
To: xml at

               The Email for Subscribers

The 5th O'Reilly Open Source Convention July 7-11, 2003
Portland Marriott Downtown, Portland, OR

OSCON cuts through the hype by covering current essentials, as
well as what's to come: web services, parsing, SVG, standards,
XSLT, DocBook, Office 2003 XML, schemas, and more.
Register early and save up to $400.


Dear Reader,

For many years the open source Berkeley DB libraries have been a
popular choice for embedded database applications.  It has been
so ubiquitously used that chances are, you rely on some software
product that embeds Berkeley DB.

It is therefore pretty exciting when SleepyCat, the maintainers
of Berkeley DB, announce that they will be releasing an XML-aware
version of their database software.  Our main feature this week,
from Paul Ford, explores Berkeley DB XML and its facilities.
Paul includes plenty of sample code to get you started.


In "Transforming XML" this month, Bob DuCharme looks at the upcoming
new version of XSLT, XSLT 2.0, and in particular, its support for
tokenizing strings.  Using the development branch of the popular
XSLT engine Saxon, Bob shows how an SVG polygon path can be
processed with XSLT 2.0.


Finally this week, Kendall Clark brings us our regular dose of
news from the XML community. It appears that development of the
core XML specification itself is held up by the need to incorporate
Internationalized Resource Identifiers, which are destined to
supsersede URIs. Kendall also comments on the recent release of
new XQuery specifications from the W3C.


Thanks for reading!

Edd Dumbill
edd at
Managing Editor,

Free XML Class - Offer ends May 15th!

Enroll in any Linux/Unix online certification class at the
Learning Lab and get a free 'Intro to XML' course, a $298 value.
Get hands-on programming experience with a live coach. Graduates
of the four course series receive certification from the
University of Illinois, one of the top five engineering schools
in the U.S. Enroll now!


*** New on ***

XML Transactions for Web Services, Part 2
In the second installment of our series on web service transactions,
Faheem Khan examines in detail the operation of atomic transactions
in an example enterprise application scenario, using the
WS-Coordination and WS-Transaction specifications.


Portal Syndication: Embedding One Web Site's Functionality in Another
Ivelin Ivanov shows how simple it is to syndicate functionality
between web sites when using Apache Cocoon.


*** XML News from the XML Cover Pages by Robin Cover ***

IBM's Enterprise Privacy Authorization Language (EPAL)

Energy Companies Demonstrate Automated Electronic Invoicing
Using PIDX XML Transaction Standards

W3C Publishes SOAP Version 1.2 as a Proposed Recommendation

W3C Releases Ten Working Drafts for XQuery, XSLT, and XPath

IRS Modernized e-File Team Releases New XML Schemas for
Corporate Income Tax

For more information on any of these stories visit:

Walking Through an RSS 1.0 Document -- RSS (Rich Site Summary) is
a method of describing web content that is available for
syndication.  But what does an actual RSS document look like?
Take a tour in Chapter 6 of Content Syndication with RSS:

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Chalu Kim
eGenius Inc
Technology Partner
chalu at, (718) 858-0142

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